
About (ENG)

Project: A greener Common Agricultural Policy – opportunity and challenge for Poland

  • Co-financed by the European Commission under the Information Measures relating to the Common Agricultural Policy (IMCAP) program
  • Beneficiary: Plantpress Sp. z o.o.

The project background analysis confirms the leading position of Polish agriculture in terms of the number of farms and the area under cultivation as well as the leading European food producer, especially in the fresh fruit and vegetables sector. Therefore, the knowledge and understanding of the CAP principles by Polish farmers is very important for the whole of Europe.

On this background the information and communication campaign was designed, applying a range of new digital means of dissemination – but taking into account the attachment to traditional sources of information among the many older Polish farmers and rural citizens our activities are partly based on printed magazines and newspaper.

As an independent expert source of information Plantpress have the opportunity to supply knowledge and understanding, to build trust amongst all citizens, farmers and non-farmers alike. The campaign will be a valuable supplement to government and advisory institutions in promoting information about the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and its positive image among the majority of Polish citizens.

The overall objective of the project is to raise awareness among Polish farmers and the general public of the relevance of the CAP as instrument in transition to sustainable food production and in ensuring food security, especially in the face of the consequences of the COVID19 pandemic crisis and of the CAP contribution to support the social, environmental and economic sustainability of agriculture.

The project’s cross-media strategy is based on the integration of digital and printed media. Plantpress will use an innovative approach in effective mix of offline and online communication, including solutions and explainer journalism, multimedia content, use of data. We will propose varied content depending on the expectations of target groups.

Our ambitions are to complete tasks that will contribute to:

  • to raise awareness of the relevance of the CAP and the related national and EU strategies, especially Green Deal strategies, as instruments in transition to sustainable food production and in ensuring food security, especially in the face of the consequences of the COVID19 pandemic crisis, among the project target groups
  • to share knowledge and views on the impacts and possibilities that the CAP will present to our target groups and to counter misperceptions about the CAP – and its objectives and content
  • to promote sustainable agricultural practices and the opportunities that the CAP provides for implementation of innovations in agriculture
  • to create an independent multimedia information center on the goals and the implementation of the CAP in Poland, as a source of knowledge for mainstream media, organizations, schools, universities

The activities of the project will be carried out for 12 months and plan to reach its objectives through:

  • a project propose-build media platform: (eng. agriculture policy) which will anchor all campaign activities – news – up to date, articles, video reportages, webinars, international conference and links to our exciting portals and social media pages and channels.
  • dissemination information by:
  • special inserts on CAP in printed magazines and agriculture newspaper – the downloadable version will be available in the new platform and in portals
  • special issue of Hasło Ogrodnicze magazine
  • portals for farmers and professional fruit and vegetable producers
  • social media fan pages and channels
  • information meetings organized within big international trade fairs in Poland, dedicated to agriculture and horticulture
  • activities for mainstream media in Poland
  • activities for other agricultural stakeholders – especially advisers from agricultural companies